Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Step in the Right Direction.

Australian gamers may very soon have the rating that they’ve been crying out for for years. Last month, South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson retired from the position. He’ll be on the back bench of politics for another four years, which means he’s basically not participating in politics much any more.

The change of heart could be caused by several things: Increased pressure from gamers, his desire to be with his family, or (and more likely) recent political blunders such as trying to get internet blogs censored. Whatever the reason is, it’s good news for gamers. New Attorney-General John Rau is in favour for an adult rating for videogames. Although, Atkinson said that he wasn’t the only Attorney-General s who didn’t support the idea of an R18+ rating. Why didn’t they ever speak up when Atkinson was copping the brunt of criticism for brick walling the rating?

I wonder if this means that censored games like Left 4 Dead 2 (Valve) will be re-released for Australian gamers who were forced to buy the censored, Australian version. I, like many Australians, don’t care since we got a mate to gift us a copy. Will the shift in policy affect game sales in Australia? Stay tuned!


  1. its fantastic news isn't it!! I have always thought that is was totally ridiculous that R movies could be released but not R games!!

  2. @miabubble: He also wanted R18+ videos to be sold in an area out of the sight of children. Fuck children, they have parents for a reason and I want the politicians to parents their own damned kids.

  3. He was a bit of a loony tune wasn't he.
    I was 999999 happy when I first read the news (ages ago! :P), and still am.

  4. i totally agree with you addie! the whole concept is stupid, all they need to do is enforce an id check and the problem would be solved!
